18th November 2024

The AGM will be on Thursday 28th November at 6pm

Nominations for Club Chair, President, Secretary and Treasurer should with the club secretary, Keith Kelly, email address: – no later than 3 days prior to the AGM

Company Guidelines: Nomination and Membership Procedures

1. Nomination Process for Positions

• Self-nomination for club positions is not permitted.

• A valid nomination requires both a proposer and a seconder.

• As per club rules, nominations and seconders must be submitted to the Club Secretary no later than three days before the AGM.

2. Eligibility for AGM Attendance and Participation

• Attendance and participation at the AGM are restricted to:

• Senior playing and paying members.

• Vice Presidents.

• Life members.

• Parents of junior players are not voting members. The junior player is the club member, and under-18s do not have voting rights.

3. Membership Subscriptions

• Senior membership subscriptions are due on September 1st each year.

• Membership lapses if payment is not received by this date.

• Parents wishing to vote at the AGM must pay Vice President fees prior to September 1st to gain eligibility.

4. Director Eligibility for Stockton RFC Ltd

• Individuals approved at the AGM for directorship must pass a fit and proper test for company directors.

• They must also provide evidence of no conflicts of interest before assuming the role.

5. Established Practices

• These procedures and requirements are longstanding practices and predate the formation of Stockton Rugby Club Ltd.

6. Final Notes

• For the avoidance of doubt, all nominations, attendance, and voting rights are in line with existing club guidance.

These guidelines are designed to ensure transparency, fairness, and compliance with both club and legal requirements..


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